Vertu breytingin! - Kynning á styrkjum fyrir ungt fólk til að framkvæma verkefni sem hafa jákvæð áhrif á samfélagið. This Friday session will be conducted in English.


Ertu að vinna með ungu fólki eða ert sjálf/ur/t á aldrinum 18-30 ára?

Komdu þá á kynninguna Vertu breytingin! um styrki fyrir ungt fólk til að framkvæma verkefni sem hafa jákvæð áhrif á samfélagið fimmtudaginn 20. janúar kl. 15:00! ➡️

Skráðu þig hér

Kynningin verður einnig á ensku á föstudaginn 21. janúar kl. 14:00-15:30 en þau sem eru skráð með lögheimili á Íslandi geta sótt um:

Are you working with young people or are you yourself 18-30 years old and a resident in Iceland?

European Solidarity Corps and Eurodesk in Iceland invite you to 'Be the Change!', an information session which will introduce you to grants that groups of young people can apply for to set up and carry out projects which address key challenges in communities.

This Friday session will be conducted in English whereas the one on Thursday will be in Icelandic.

Timing: 21 January, 14:00-15:30.

The next application deadlines are 23 February and 4 October and you can get a grant for up to 6000 euros!

Please sign up here➡

During the presentation we will have a chat about:

- Who can apply.

- The construction of the grants and the amounts you can apply for.

- How to turn in an application.

- The ideology behind the solidarity projects.

- Good tips for the application writing.

- Icelandic and European projects which might give you some inspo.

- The assessment procedure.

We will wrap the presentation up with a Q&A but you are more than open to discuss your ideas and raise questions whenever you feel like it during the session.

Solidarity projects could for instance be conducted in the form of awareness raising campaigns, podcasts, documentaries, art exhibition, workshops, presentations, culture nights, cooking classes, regular events, concerts etc

More information:

Solidarity projects are set up and carried out by groups of young people. They can happen in Iceland or at European level and address key challenges within communities, while presenting a clear European added value. Young people who want to form a group to run a solidarity project must be registered in the European Solidarity Corps portal.

A Solidarity Project:

- is a non-profit solidarity activity initiated, developed and implemented by young people themselves for between 2 and 12 months.

- involves a group of minimum five young people

- is a chance to express solidarity and bring positive change in your local community

- has a clearly identified topic which the group of young people wish to explore together, and which has to be translated into the concrete daily activities of the project and involve all the members of the group.

Solidarity projects could for instance be conducted in the form of awareness raising campaigns, podcasts, documentaries, art exhibition, workshops, presentations, culture nights, cooking classes, regular events, concerts etc, etc! Taking part in a Solidarity project is an important non-formal learning experience through which young people can boost their personal, educational, social and civic development.

Read more here:

